[Tilecache] Tilecache seed with bbox
JP de Miranda
jpdemiranda at firstbasesolutions.com
Wed Dec 5 16:20:16 EST 2007
The box i'm requesting covers a relatively large area, but i could see
what you mean. At zoom level 10 the request could have been for a
small piece of a tile. So i changed the zoom level request to 15 to 20
and i still don't get anything.
tilecache_seed.py "http://x.x.x.x/tilecache/tilecache.cgi?" LayerName 15
20 -80.14418,43.48133,-79.52821,43.98973
###### (16384, 16384, 15), (16384, 16384, 15)
###### (32768, 32768, 16), (32768, 32768, 16)
###### (65536, 65536, 17), (65536, 65536, 17)
###### (131071, 131072, 18), (131071, 131072, 18)
###### (262143, 262145, 19), (262143, 262145, 19)
The bounding box in my config file goes past the normal bounds because
when i was using these bounds
the tilecache would not produce tiles in a column, but when i changed
the bounds to
it was able to produce that missing column.
Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 03:39:25PM -0500, JP de Miranda wrote:
>> Sorry, i knew i forgot something in my email
>> Here is my config
>> [LayerName]
>> type=WMSLayer
>> url=http://x.x.x.x/cgi-bin/wms?transparent=true&
>> extension=jpg
>> layers=IMAGERY
>> srs=EPSG:900913
>> bbox=-20037509,-20037509,20037509,20037509
> Right, so you're requesting a tiny bounding box in the middle of the
> middle tile. So, you should request a bounding box that covers the area
> you're interested in.
> Also, your bounding box doesn't match the bounding box for spherical
> mercator, which is what I assume you're intending. If you care about
> this, you should change your bbox and maxResolution to match the values
> in teh default tilecache config.
> Regards,
JP de Miranda
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