[Tilecache] Tilecache seed with bbox

JP de Miranda jpdemiranda at firstbasesolutions.com
Wed Dec 5 17:07:24 EST 2007

The bounds i was using were in decimal degrees.  The readme file only 
contains examples with decimal degrees, so i assumed that all input 
needed to be in that format.  Perhaps a little note in the readme file 
that indicates that the bbox should match the projection of the 
tilecache config.

I put in the spherical mercator bbox and it seems to work now.


Christopher Schmidt wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 04:20:16PM -0500, JP de Miranda wrote:
>> The box i'm requesting covers a relatively large area, but i could see 
>> what you mean.  At  zoom level 10 the request could have been for a 
>> small piece of a tile.  So i changed the zoom level request to 15 to 20 
>> and i still don't get anything.
> The bounds of your map are 40 million meters across, and you're
> requesting a bounds which is only less than a meter across. Requesting a
> single meter out of 40 million is going to be less htan one pixel for
> most zoom levels and less than one tile for all zoom levels. 
> Regards,

JP de Miranda

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