[Tilecache] problems getting tilecache.cfg and Openlayers WMS parameters in sync

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri Jul 20 09:18:31 EDT 2007

On Fri, Jul 20, 2007 at 02:07:43PM +0100, David Herbert wrote:
> Christopher,
> Thanks very much for your help there - it has solved the problem I was
> having.  However I now come upon a completely different problem.  I
> think I understand what it is.  Geoserver's layer names contain colons. 
> Clearly Tilecache is trying to make a cache directory on Windows based
> on the layer names and getting the following filesystem error:
> This will work on Unix, but not on Windows.  Is it possible to fix this
> so that e.g. the directory name is mapped onto something Windows can
> cope with?  I know nothing of Python I'm afraid!

The TileCache layer name does not need to have any relation to the
GeoServer layer name. So, your config could look like this:


This way, the cache directory would be based on 'mytclayer', and you
would be requesting data from GeoServer as 'my:geo:server:layer'.

Will this solve your problem?

Christopher Schmidt

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