[Tilecache] Can I cache layers in epsg:23030

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Wed Jun 20 06:57:15 EDT 2007

On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 09:47:28AM +0200, Fernando Zuriaga wrote:
> Hi, I want to cache some layers with tile cache, but this layers are in
> EPSG:23030 (UTM). I always get the error "couldn't calculate tile index". I
> try to change the parameters bbox and maxresolution in tilecache.cfg, but it
> don't works. Is posible to cache layers in other coordinate system that
> EPSG:4326 ???

"The most important thing to do is to ensure that the OpenLayers Layer
has the same resolutions and bounding box as your TileCache layer. You
can define the resolutions in OpenLayers via the 'resolutions' option or
the 'maxResolution' option on the layer. The maxExtent should be defined
to match the bbox parameter of the TileCache layer."

-- http://tilecache.org/readme.html

If you can't get it to work, there are two chunks of information that
are neccesary for debugging:
 * TileCache layer config section
 * OpenLayers Map() config and Layer() config.
   (Any other part of the OpenLayers page is not neccesary)

Christopher Schmidt

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