[Tilecache] resolutions in getcapabilities not accurate

Steven M. Ottens steven at minst.net
Mon Jan 28 11:38:19 EST 2008

Hi all,

I'm building an application based on SharpMap, .Net based opensource  
GIS lib, which supports TileCache. It uses tilecache's capabilities  
document to get the available tilesets. In the capabilities document  
there's a list of resolutions, for instance:

0.703125000 0.351562500 0.175781250 0.087890625 0.043945312  
0.021972656 0.010986328 0.005493164 0.002746582 0.001373291  
0.000686646 0.000343323 0.000171661 0.000085831 0.000042915  
0.000021458 0.000010729 0.000005364 0.000002682 0.000001341
for the boston-freemap-remote-mapserver layer.

However if you would use these values you run into a problem at  
higher zoomlevels (14+ or so), since TileCache it self uses a more  
specific value:
It says 0.000171661 whereas tilecache.py uses actually  
If you would use the advertised value you get an error:
An error occurred: Current x value 4.876447 is too far from tile  
corner x 4.877930
Which doesn't occur if you would use the more specific value.

To me this sounds as a bug and TileCache should either use the  
advertised value or advertise the actual used value. Since right now  
it's not possible to use the capabilities document for WMS-C to  
access a cache properly.

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