[Tilecache] tilecache_seed.py KeyError

Matthew Perry perrygeo at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 19:48:24 EDT 2008

tilecache_seed.py KeyError - Resolved:

Service.cfgfiles is hardcoded to
('/etc/tilecache.cfg', '../tilecache.cfg', 'tilecache.cfg')

so tilecache_seed.py will only work if your cfg file is found in one
of those three locations. You can either symlink your cfg file to
/etc/tilecache.cfg or run the script from the tilecache directory.

- matt

On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 6:41 AM, Matthew Perry <perrygeo at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 10:42 PM, ritesh ambastha
> <ritesh.linux at gmail.com> wrote:
>> While seeding through this tilecache.py file, you need to install
>> PythonPaste module. Also, mapscript.so should be globally accessible. I
>> would suggest, tilecache_seed.py
>> "http://localhost:81/tilecache/tilecache.cgi?" cities zoom_start zoom_end
>> "x1.0, y1.0,x2.0,y2.0"
> Thanks for your input. paste and mapscript are both installed
> globally. the above command gives the same KeyError.
> To be clear, my tilecache web service is working perfectly, it's only
> the seeding that is giving me trouble.
>> On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Matthew Perry <perrygeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I installed 2.04 and am having trouble seeding a cache.
>>> $ tilecache_seed.py "http://localhost:81/tilecache/tilecache.py?" cities 0
>>> 6
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "/usr/bin/tilecache_seed.py", line 5, in <module>
>>>    pkg_resources.run_script('TileCache==2.04', 'tilecache_seed.py')
>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 448,
>>> in run_script
>>>    self.require(requires)[0].run_script(script_name, ns)
>>>  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pkg_resources.py", line 1166,
>>> in run_script
>>>    execfile(script_filename, namespace, namespace)
>>>  File
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/TileCache-2.04-py2.5.egg/EGG-INFO/scripts/tilecache_seed.py",
>>> line 9, in <module>
>>>    TileCache.Client.main()
>>>  File
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/TileCache-2.04-py2.5.egg/TileCache/Client.py",
>>> line 104, in main
>>>    layer = svc.layers[sys.argv[2]]
>>> KeyError: 'cities'
>>> I can confirm that:
>>> a) there is a layer defined in my tilecache.cfg called 'cities'
>>> b) requesting a layer from the tilecache works just fine. eg:
>>> http://localhost:81/tilecache/tilecache.py?LAYERS=cities&FORMAT=image%2Fgif&TRANSPARENT=true&SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&EXCEPTIONS=application%2Fvnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG%3A54009&BBOX=-8923761.189473685,3438942.54105263,-8619883.395789474,3742820.334736841&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256
>>> So why doesn't tilecache_seed.py work? Any ideas?
>>> --
>>> Matthew T. Perry
>>> http://www.perrygeo.net
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>>> Tilecache at openlayers.org
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> --
> ·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
> "The best way to predict the future is to invent it." -- Alan Kay
> Matthew T. Perry
> http://www.perrygeo.net

·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((((º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." -- Alan Kay
Matthew T. Perry

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