[Tilecache] metaTile configuration (and the Python imaging library?) - tutorial/documentation??

bwoodall bwoodall at bwoodall.org
Sat Jun 7 00:12:06 EDT 2008


You should be able to check your web server logs to see the errors

not sure if this works on M$, but try something like

from a cmd.exe window

        C:\<blah>\ > pthyon
        >>> import PIL

If you get an error here then Python Image Library is not found

On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 20:02 -0600, Greg Cocks wrote:
> Hi Ya,
> Can someone point me to some documentation (or a tutorial) that allows
> me to troubleshoot why my metaTile attempt (as below) generates no
> cached PNGs, just the directory structure:
>   [munge_site_centres]
>   type=MapServerLayer
>   layers=munge_site_centres 
>   mapfile=c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\MapServer\WMS\munge_wms.map
>   extension=png
>   metaTile=true
>   debug=off
> *Note that it works just fine if the metaTile line is not there* –
> except that that labels of the points are truncated on tile boundaries
> (and hence the interest in using metaTile…)
> Web server is IIS, Windoze OS, etc…
> I wanted to try & learn how metaSize, size, etc parameters are used –
> but at tilecache.org could not find details of this? (am I blind?
> <smile>)
> To the best of my knowledge I have the Python Imaging Library
> installed correctly (1.1.6 for Python 2.5) – but am new to a lot of
> this, and Googling does not show me a quick & dirty on how to
> independently check this. 
> Thanks in advance!

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