[Tilecache] Missing tiles

Juozas Urbonas juozas.urbonas at teltonika.lt
Thu Jun 12 09:26:50 EDT 2008

Sorry, wrong mailing list.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Juozas Urbonas 
  To: tilecache at openlayers.org 
  Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 4:10 PM
  Subject: Missing tiles

  My problem is: sometimes some tiles are not shown on map, and when you zoom in, then zoom back out, or in reverse, or pan far to one side, and when pan back, the missing tiles are shown in most cases, but not always.
  I can repeat this behavior on IE7, but cannot repeat it on Firefox 2.0 (I was told, that it happens on Firefox to).
  I did some investigation, and it looks like it is clearly client side problem. Using IE Developer Toolbar I can find missing tile's div in DOM and it have it's style "Display" property set to "none". So maybe some one have any ideas why it's happening?
  We are currently using OL v2.6. Maps are hosted using TileCache and served using https.

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