[Tilecache] Getting TC + OL resolutions synced

Ian iansgis at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 15:22:00 EDT 2008

I'm using a simple map in geographic coordinates and with global extent. My
map is configured to be 800x500px both in MapServer and in the html page. So
360 degrees / 800px = maxResolution of 0.45 correct? Following the TC readme
and setting the maxResolution and extent for the layer in both OL and TC
gets close, but the map lat/lon is incorrect. The map lon ranges from -180
to 180 but the lat ranges from -112 to 112, the top of the map ends in the
southern part of Greenland, the right edge of the map ends at Thailand, and
there are four pink tiles along the bottom of the map. My configuration is:

var basc = new
var options = {controls:[], maxExtent:new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180, -90, 180,
90), maxResolution:0.45, restrictedExtent:new OpenLayers.Bounds(-180, -90,
180, 90)}
var map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);


I'm not clear as to why the map is 'shifted' and with incorrect latitudes?
Thank you for any insight.
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