[Tilecache] GetCapabilities document is not valid

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Tue Mar 4 10:39:42 EST 2008

On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 04:10:56PM +0100, Holger Jaekel wrote:
> 3. WMS needs a <Layer> container which defines at least a <Title>. Table
> 7 of the spec defines which attributes of the enclosing <Layer> are
> inherited by the enclosed layers. Enclosing layers does not define
> sublayers, but inheritance of attributes between layers.

Yep. Okay. I've already done this, after chatting with stvn about it on

> So maybe you create a enclosing layer with the name "TileCacheLayers"?

Yep, done.

> I did not know that. But "srs" should be changed to "SRS".

Yep, also done.

Christopher Schmidt

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