[Tilecache] Tilecache 2.0.1 Segfault

Mark Deneen mdeneen+tiles at saucontech.com
Wed Mar 19 14:33:38 EDT 2008

I have not been following this thread very carefully, but valgrind 
(www.valgrind.org) is a wonderful tool for finding leaks.  It may be a 
bit more low-level than you want for this purpose...  but I would give 
it a shot.


Steve Lime wrote:
> I just tried rebuilding the mapscript bindings with the latest version of Swig and the more
> advanced interface. No luck. 
> In my case the mapfile is made up of a bunch of includes so perhaps there is a leak there. I'll
> try expanding those and see what happens.
> Steve
>>>> On 3/19/2008 at 12:58 PM, in message <20080319175857.GA23409 at metacarta.com>,
> Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 12:34:21PM -0500, Steve Lime wrote:
>>> The backtrace output is below. I don't think it tells me much. It's dying in 
>> MapServer but I think it's because
>>> there simply isn't any more memory to allocate so a small malloc fails 
>> (there is no error check) and then the
>>> fread causes the segfault. The question is why there is no memory. When I 
>> run the seeding the python
>>> process the python process memory usage swells to 1.4Gb. I've tried with and 
>> without metatiling, same
>>> result. There must be a leak someplace. Any idea how to debug?
>> Yeah, clearly there's a memory leak: I don't hae any idea where it is
>> though, nor do I have any suggestions on how to debug. Keeping the map
>> object open might actually help in this case, because if there's a leak
>> somewhere in the mapObj open (something not gtting freed), it would be
>> less prominent if we weren't constantly recreating the mapObj, yeah? 
>> Regards,
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