[Tilecache] mod_python and no TileCache.Service error

Xin xin at zenpow.com
Fri Mar 28 15:06:36 EDT 2008

I am trying to get TileCache to work using mod_python. I get this error with
my configuration:

Phase:          'PythonHandler'
Handler:        'TileCache.Service'

ImportError: No module named TileCache.Service

TileCache is located in /var/www/tilecache.

ls /var/www/tilecache/
docs         setup.py  TileCache      tilecache.cgi       tilecache.fcgi
ez_setup.py  tests     tilecache.cfg
  tilecache_clean.py  tilecache_http_server.py  tilecache_seed.p

My apache2 config:
# Tilecache configuration
<Directory /var/www/tilecache/>
  AddHandler python-program .py
  PythonHandler TileCache.Service
  PythonOption TileCacheConfig /var/www/myapp/config/tilecache.cfg
  PythonDebug On

Alias /tilecache/ "/var/www/tilecache/"
<Directory "/var/www/tilecache">
  AllowOverride None
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

http://www.nabble.com/Problem-with-TileCache-installation-td12671985.html is
some hints, but it didn't solve my problem. When I changed  PythonHandler
TileCache.Service to   PythonHandler TileCache/Service, I got no Caches
module error.

Why can't it find the modules? do I need to set some environmental variable?

Thanks for any help

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