[Tilecache] Integrate projection parameter into an ArcXML request

Simone Gadenz simone.gadenz at jrc.it
Wed May 7 11:04:22 EDT 2008

Just a brief explanation. ArcIMS reproject data on-the-fly but for  this to
work it requires both the AXL configuration file and the AXL request to
include a series of spatial reference related tags. 
In particular:
- the config file must include the featurecoordsys and filtercoordsys as
children of the map\properties tag
- each layer must include the coordsys tag to specify its original spatial
- the filtercoordsys and featurecoordsys are to be specified in any map

This said, for me it would be enough to transform the existent code in svn:

xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		<ARCXML version="1.1">
					<ENVELOPE minx="%s" miny="%s"
maxx="%s" maxy="%s" />
					<IMAGESIZE height="%s" width="%s" />
		</ARCXML>""" % (bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3],
tile.size()[0], tile.size()[1], "\n".join(layers), "\n".join(off_layers))

in the following code:

xml = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		<ARCXML version="1.1">
						<ENVELOPE minx="%s"
miny="%s" maxx="%s" maxy="%s" />
						<FEATURECOORDSYS string="%s"
						<FILTERCOORDSYS string="%s"
						<IMAGESIZE height="%s"
width="%s" />
						<LAYERLIST >
		</ARCXML>""" % (bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3],
feturecoordsys, filtercoordsys, tile.size()[0], tile.size()[1],
"\n".join(layers), "\n".join(off_layers))

where the content of the featurecoordsys and filtercoordsys should be
something like this:

Meter&quot;,1.0]]" />

Meter&quot;,1.0]]" />

orfor projection already implemented something like:


The best thing to do would be to leave the content as a parameter of the
ArcXML layer definition.

Please do not hesitate to ask more info if needed. I think it would be very
useful implementation for people like us that have aleready a lot of
services running under ArcIMS to generate tiles in the Google Mercator
projection. Apparently there is no way to make the ArcIMS WMS connector
publish data in Google Mercator.


-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schmidt [mailto:crschmidt at metacarta.com] 
Sent: mercoledì 7 maggio 2008 15.20
To: Simone Gadenz
Cc: tilecache at openlayers.org
Subject: Re: [Tilecache] Integrate projection parameter into an ArcXML

On Wed, May 07, 2008 at 02:43:47PM +0200, Simone Gadenz wrote:
> Hello!
> In order to have ArcIMS reprojecting previus map service in the Google
> Mercator projection I need to pass the projection tags in any AXL call. I
> modified the axl into the ArcXML.py, but I would like to have either a
> parameter with the definition of the projection requeired or a new layer
> type including these tags into the arcxml.

Can you give an example of:
 * The current XML generated by the code in SVN
 * The XML that needs to be generated in order to cause the tile you
   want to be returned

Note that I am (to be honest) surprised you've gotten as far as you have
given my complete lack of knowledge of ArcXML. I would have expected it
to not work at all, so the fact that it is possible to use is a major
relief. :) 

Christopher Schmidt

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