[Tilecache] Config file priority with mod_python

Sylvain Pasche sylvain.pasche at camptocamp.com
Thu May 15 15:50:08 EDT 2008


I've got a Tilecache service configured with mod_python, with an Apache
config looking like:

<Location /tilecache/myproject>
    AddHandler python-program .py
    PythonHandler TileCache.Service
    PythonOption TileCacheConfig /path/to/tilecache.cfg

The base parameter of the cache section isn't taken into account.


Tiles are always saved in /tmp, which is the configration from

Shouldn't the tilecache configuration file set from the TileCacheConfig
Apache parameter should take precedence over the one from /etc?

With the following patch applied, I'm getting the expected result.

root at server:/usr/share/python-support/tilecache/TileCache# diff -u
Service.py.orig Service.py
--- Service.py.orig     2008-05-15 21:30:15.000000000 +0200
+++ Service.py  2008-05-15 21:33:28.000000000 +0200
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@
     cfgs    = cfgfiles
     cfgTime = None
     if options.has_key("TileCacheConfig"):
-        cfgs = (options["TileCacheConfig"],) + cfgs
+        cfgs = cfgs + (options["TileCacheConfig"],)
             cfgTime = os.stat(options['TileCacheConfig'])[8]

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