[Tilecache] OpenLayers, Tilecache and Custom Map using ImageLayer

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Thu May 22 21:25:23 EDT 2008

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 04:53:18PM -0700, Nathan Boettcher wrote:
> Thanks for the quick response Chris.  I won't sugar coat it, I totally
> missed that line.
> Being totally new to this stuff, I'm not sure what the maxresolutions
> translates to (highest zoom level?) 

resolution is 'map units per pixel'. (in this case, 'pixels per pixel').
maxResolution is most zoomed out. You got that part right on your layer.

so now you need to add: 
  maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(0,0,4000,5083)

next to your maxResolution: 16.  

>  What are normal resolutions and how did you come up with them?
> For maxExtent, you said to set it to the same as the bounding box...but as a
> string, or as a single value for the width/height?

Neither: a bounds.

> I apologize for my lack of understanding.

No problem. Large learning curve.

Christopher Schmidt

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