[Tilecache] Using S3 caching - tilecache_seed.py

Frédéric Junod frederic.junod at camptocamp.com
Mon Nov 3 02:35:42 EST 2008

You must call tilecache_seed with:

c:\projects\web\tilecache\tilecache_seed.py naip 1 2

The program will then search for the config file (tilecache.py) in the current
directory or in the parent directory. So you should run the tilecache_seed in
that dir.

see: http://trac.tilecache.org/browser/trunk/tilecache/docs/README.txt#L352


Le Fri, 31 Oct 2008 14:36:08 -0600,
Bruce Rindahl <rindahl at lrcwe.com> a écrit :

> I have successfully setup tilecache and it is working on my S3 account.  
> Thanks!!
> Now I want to use the tilecache_seed function to mass upload my existing 
> tiles to the server.  I have two machines to do this - one to call the 
> S3 service and if not there grab the tile from the other server and send 
> this to the cloud.  For individual tiles called from an interface like 
> OpenLayers this works fine - I see the tiles from the S3 server.  But 
> when I run tilecache_seed.py I get the following error:
> c:\projects\web\tilecache\tilecache_seed.py 
> "http://localhost/tilecache/tilecache.py" naip 1 2
> Traceback (most recent call last)
>     File "c:\projects\web\tilecache\TileCache\tilecache_seed.py", line 
> 9, in ?
>        TileCache.Client.main()
>     File "c:\projects\web\tilecache\TileCache\Client.py", line 104, in main
>        layer = svc.layers[sys.argv[[2]]
> Key Error: 'naip'
> This works perfectly when the cache is disk - I get the error when I go 
> to AWSS3
> Using Tilecache 2.04 with mod_python on windows
> Thanks for the help!
> Bruce
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Frédéric Junod
Camptocamp SA

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