[Tilecache] Re solutions issues

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Thu Nov 20 14:28:30 EST 2008

Answering to self and asking some questions :

> url=http://myserver:8292/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe

for MapServer, this line needs ...mapserv.exe?map=/path/to/mapfile.map
(thanx Alexandre offline).  After that, I had the usual interlaced PNG
error and tweaked the mapfile to get TC to work.  I found my TC was
pretty slow so in a bid to up performances, I switched to jpeg.  Even
though tile size (bytewise) diminished significantly, I still find it is
pretty slow.  My nontiled version of the layer (an Ikonos GeoTIFF image
reduced to 8 bits and then internally tiles using gdal_translate and
then with an overview using gdaladdo) is faster to render than my tiled
version, which is using the same internally tiled addo GeoTIFF image.  I
have a feeling the number of gets is so great that network issues hinder
TC performance.  Has anyone experienced that ?

As an aside, we are transitioning from a PHP Mapscript application,
namely Pmapper, to Openlayers.  We still experience a faster image load
with Pmapper even though it uses the slower Mapscript.  Either it does a
better job at querying MapServer for the right portion of the GeoTIFF
image or it is just plain more efficient.



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