[Tilecache] Quick panning with overlays

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Nov 25 16:47:19 EST 2008

Hi All,

I'm still amazed at TC on mod_python :-).  However there is a bit of a
show stopper in that panning is slowed down by the extra WMS requests
made for the overlays.  I was thinking maybe I should give my users a
"unselect all overlays" button so they could pan more quickly in the
image without having to wait for the overlays to be rendered, but then
that means I have to remember which overlays were on so I can "reselect
all overlays" again.  

Of course that means that as a user you need to know when you'll be in
sufficiently crazy panning mode to justify unselecting all overlays to
get the speed boost, or maybe you'll just zoom out a couple of levels
and zoom back in ??  I wonder what people do when overlays slow things
down ?



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