[Tilecache] Quick panning with overlays

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Nov 25 17:13:47 EST 2008

> As you've described it, this sounds like an OpenLayers question, not a
> TileCache question.


It definitely isn't a TileCache question.  In fact, I just remembered
that I'm using MapServer in cgi mode for my overlays, so maybe there's
low hanging fruit by using fastcgi.  The fruit is not so low hanging on
my windows box though, since I don't use MS4W ...  I see my mapserv is
fastcgi ready so I just need the extra push to use fastcgi.

> That said, I'm not sure why you say overlays 'slow things down' --

The behavior is this : my base layer served by TileCache appears
apparently completely (although I may be fooled by the fact TC is still
working but in an area of the layer other than my current view port) and
then my overlays are drawn 2-3 seconds later.  So I guess your next
point applies ...

> perhaps you're not using a different set of DNS hostnames for your
> overlays? If so, do that 

I remember seeing that, but I dont' know where.  If you have a pointer
nearby, I'd appreciate it.

> -- they will then load completely in parallel
> to your baselayers. (Also, I hope you're using the multiple-DNS trick,
> as that will cause a much faster visible loading time to the user...) 

Same as above :-(



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