[Tilecache] tilecache_seed.py worked, and now doesn't (but no error)

chris marx chrismarx at gmail.com
Wed Nov 26 00:15:23 EST 2008

I was using this batch script to exectute the tilecache_seed.py for several
ECHO This is a batch file
SET year=1998
FOR /L %%i in (0,1,1) DO (
set /A cur=!year!+%%i
CALL python25.exe^
Active_Year_!cur! 4 9 "-18283701.29,1765453.32,-4602647.74,10157665.08"
ECHO Done.

and it worked just fine, creating folders and tiles for all the layers.
today, i ran the same script again for different layers, (and the on the
same layers to double check i wasn't going crazy), and instead of hit/miss
messages while running, i see this

###### (1, 9, 4), (6, 12, 4)
04 (000001, 000009) = (-17532819.7976 2504688.5416 -15028131.2552
5009377.0840) [0.0000s : 10000.000/s] 1/15
04 (000002, 000009) = (-15028131.2552 2504688.5416 -12523442.7128
5009377.0840) [0.0000s : 20000.000/s] 2/15
04 (000003, 000009) = (-12523442.7128 2504688.5416 -10018754.1704
5009377.0840) [0.0000s : 30000.000/s] 3/15
04 (000004, 000009) = (-10018754.1704 2504688.5416 -7514065.6280
5009377.0840) [0.0000s : 40000.000/s] 4/15
04 (000005, 000009) = (-7514065.6280 2504688.5416 -5009377.0856
5009377.0840) [0.0000s : 50000.000/s] 5/15
04 (000001, 000010) = (-17532819.7976 5009377.0840 -15028131.2552
7514065.6264) [0.0000s : 60000.000/s] 6/15
04 (000002, 000010) = (-15028131.2552 5009377.0840 -12523442.7128
7514065.6264) [0.0000s : 70000.000/s] 7/15
04 (000003, 000010) = (-12523442.7128 5009377.0840 -10018754.1704
7514065.6264) [0.0000s : 80000.000/s] 8/15
04 (000004, 000010) = (-10018754.1704 5009377.0840 -7514065.6280
7514065.6264) [0.0000s : 90000.000/s] 9/15
04 (000005, 000010) = (-7514065.6280 5009377.0840 -5009377.0856
7514065.6264) [0.0000s : 100000.000/s] 10/15
04 (000001, 000011) = (-17532819.7976 7514065.6264 -15028131.2552
10018754.1688) [0.0000s : 110000.000/s] 11/15
04 (000002, 000011) = (-15028131.2552 7514065.6264 -12523442.7128
10018754.1688) [0.0000s : 120000.000/s] 12/15
04 (000003, 000011) = (-12523442.7128 7514065.6264 -10018754.1704
10018754.1688) [0.0000s : 130000.000/s] 13/15
04 (000004, 000011) = (-10018754.1704 7514065.6264 -7514065.6280
10018754.1688) [0.0000s : 140000.000/s] 14/15
04 (000005, 000011) = (-7514065.6280 7514065.6264 -5009377.0856
10018754.1688) [0.0000s : 150000.000/s] 15/15
###### (1, 9, 4), (6, 12, 4)

i must be missing something really stupid here....


Chris Marx
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
t. 1.607.254.1142
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