[Tilecache] GDAL + FWtools + tilecache_seed

lionel b lionel.bargeot at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 00:58:48 EDT 2008


this post to explain I find partial solutions.

My goal was to use direct acces via gdal driver to improve  tile cache 
generation time on multiple ECW images (sorry, if it was not so clear in 
my first post).
I had a first installation problem, probably because my first 
installation was on a debian etch. It may be possible, but it's more 
simple to use a Lenny with the tilecache debian package (2.03). 
Installation is simple and all works fine at the first time.
About using Gdal direct acces, I had 2 problems : format (ecw) and 
tileindex (shp). Ecw binary support on Linux is only avialable via the 
FWTools package, and it's not simple to use this gdal version with 
tilecache deb package (one of my goal is to use only packaged software, 
so own compiled version is not a solution).
 I could'nt spend more time to work on this option, and I decided to 
work on tileindex (generated with gdaltindex) support. GDAL only support 
Virtual Raster reading (.vrt), so I generated a .vrt file equivalent to 
a .shp file (with gdal_vrtmerge). But It wasn't a good idea because of 
low speed in reading band in files described in VRT files.

So because of difficulties to obtain ECW support in a packaged version, 
and slow rendering in using VRT, I decided to use a classic WMS acces.

Thanks to all for your help and suggestions.


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