[Tilecache] tilecache_seed.py not matching up with OpenLayers requests...

John Cole jcole at carinatek.com
Wed Sep 3 11:22:07 EDT 2008


  I'm seeing the same behavior with 2.02 and 2.04.




From: Josh Livni [mailto:josh at umbrellaconsulting.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2008 10:15 AM
To: John Cole
Subject: Re: [Tilecache] tilecache_seed.py not matching up with
OpenLayers requests...


What version of tilecache are you using?  

I recently submitted a patch that modifies the seed command line
options, and the amount of tiles it uses.  I don't think offhand it
should have the bug you describe, but you never know.

If you are using svn trunk, can you go back a couple revisions to before
my seed patch and try?



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