[Tilecache] Number of simultaneous hit for tilecache (on apache with mod_python)

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Mon Sep 8 08:48:25 EDT 2008

On Mon, Sep 08, 2008 at 08:36:49AM -0400, Martin Ouellet wrote:
> > 1300 tiles/second is 4 times higher than any number I've ever tested
> > with. If you really want to, you can just pre-generate your whole cache,
>   M.O. -->The 30 000 tiles represent the whole cache for my data (5
> resolution for the Quebec province boundary only)
>   so 1300 tiles /sec is the result for accessible the tile with url and not
> for generate them...

Yes, I understand. ANd it's still 4 times higher than my highest numbers

> > and (if you're using OpenLayers) use a Layer.TileCache, which directly
> > accesses a web-accessible cache. That way, you skip TileCache entirely.
>   M.O. --> Yes I'am using openLayers.  I tought that, even if the tiles are
> pre-generate on disk, tilecache was called by OpenLayers to identify the
> correspondaing the tiles that cover the map area?

In a Layer.WMS, yes. In a Layer.TileCache, no.

>   M.O. -->If tilecache is skiped when I use a Layer.TileCache layer, How the
> web server (Apache in my case) know that this url:
> http://sdevl00-ess011:8080/tilecache/tilecache.py?LAYERS=ert_baselayer...&BBOX=1258800,484600,1463600,689400
>   must refering to this file on disk:
>   D:\TileCache\ert_baselayer\00\000\000\003\000\000\002.png

In a Layer.TileCache, that URL isn't used. Instead, you provide a URL to
"http://example/tilecache_cache_dir/" and provide a layername of
'ert_baselayer" -- and it requests


Christopher Schmidt

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