[Tilecache] Where should feature requests go?

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Fri Aug 14 09:07:48 EDT 2009

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 08:28:27AM -0400, Russell McOrmond wrote:
>    I have a feature request that is likely easy to add.  I would send a 
> patch, but suspect it is quicker for one of the already trusted developers 
> to do things.

Feel free to make requests to the mailing list; if someone impements
it, I will apply the patch.

-- Chris

> Request: In TileCache/Service.py there is a look-up of 
> options["TileCacheConfig"] , and then the use of this configuration file. 
> I am wondering if something similar can be added to TileCache/Client.py as 
> an additional parser.add_option() such as "-c","--config".
> Reason:
>    We have set up a number of different tilecache configurations 
> corresponding to different WMS groupings.  We have each of these in the 
> Apache configuration, using "PythonOption TileCacheConfig 
> /path/to/config.cfg"  to point to the right config.  It would be easier if 
> we could specify the configuration file on the command line for 
> tilecache_seed.py as well, rather than having to hack around this (copy 
> specific config to different name before running, etc).
>    If there is a better place to file this request (a Bugzilla), then 
> please let me know.

Nope, just the mailing list.

Christopher Schmidt

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