[Tilecache] help with openlayers+tilecache?

Jennifer Strahan jennifer at greeninfo.org
Wed Feb 11 15:11:04 EST 2009

I noticed that if I subtracted the two x values from my error messages 
that difference was always .34.  Then I saw another application example 
where the bounds values had the .34 added to them and thought I should 
give that a try...

Gregor at HostGIS wrote:
> Jennifer Strahan wrote:
>> My pink tiles issue is solved bay changing the bbox and maxExtent from:
>> -20037508,-20037508,20037508,20037508
>> to
>> -20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34
> How did you figure out to add .34 to all 4 corners?

Jennifer Strahan, GIS Specialist
GreenInfo Network - www.greeninfo.org -
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