[Tilecache] help with openlayers+tilecache?

Gregor at HostGIS gregor at hostgis.com
Wed Feb 11 17:59:13 EST 2009

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>> Hey, they hid it in the examples! :) 
> I'm not sure how that's 'hiding'

I was joking. It's very clear once one reads the page.

I myself don't use GM in OL, so was wondering how she came up with the 
right extent. Pretty obvious once one reads the docs.

Gregor Mosheh / Greg Allensworth    BS, A+, Network+, Security+, Server+
System Administrator, Lead Programmer
HostGIS development & hosting services, http://www.HostGIS.com/

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  only if you can restore." - AMANDA

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