[Tilecache] Re solutions issues

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Fri Jan 23 14:11:37 EST 2009

> > mod_wsgi is not something I've ever tested. I have no idea if it works
> > with TileCache.
> It should, it's WSGI and tilecache already does that IIRC, so if you don't 
> have the time I'll make a quick test/comparison of the two. I don't expect 
> more change than a couple of lines. With serving cached/pregenerated content 
> it should be a fair bit quicker than mod_python and lightyears from CGI. It 
> requires more fiddling with regard to apache configs and system settings, 
> though, compared to mod_python which has a fairly fire-and-forget install 
> under apache. You can't have it all, I guess :)

Sorry to revive that thread a couple months later, but I'm assessing the
use of mod_wsgi instead of mod_python to run TC (and FeatureServer if
possible).  Did you get around to doing a speed comparison between
mod_python and mod_wsgi ?



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