[Tilecache] Creating Tiles (TMS style) using tilecache and mapnik

Joe Nunn joe.nunn at usegis.co.uk
Fri Jun 19 05:20:46 EDT 2009

Genius! I wish that was in the manual!

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Wooster [mailto:andrew at planetaryscale.com] 
Sent: 19 June 2009 09:47
To: joe.nunn at usegis.co.uk
Cc: tilecache at openlayers.org
Subject: Re: [Tilecache] Creating Tiles (TMS style) using tilecache and

Did you try:




On Jun 19, 2009, at 1:34 AM, Joe Nunn wrote:
> Dear All
> I am attempting to create a cache of tiles using tilecache from a  
> mapnik source.  I am using a shapefile as the source (it has to be  
> this really as i have 100+ shapefiles to create separate caches for)  
> and creating a mapnik xml file.  This is referenced from the  
> tilecache.cfg file.  I am using an openlayers front end to access  
> this and request the tile output.
> I have succeeded getting these tiles to be output but the file  
> structure is not what i am after.  It does it in this format: 'cache/ 
> 01/000/000/01/000/000/001.png' whereas I want the TMS/google style  
> format  z/x/y.png
> I tried setting the config and openlayers map to output TMS but  
> nothing is output.  I just get pink tiles.
> Is this possible?  If so how would I achieve this?
> Many thanks
> Joe Nunn
> joe.nunn at usegis.co.uk
> T: 01249 700900
> M: 07855 686794
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