[Tilecache] Using tilecache_seed between some bounds
Adrian Popa
adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
Fri Oct 23 03:51:07 EDT 2009
Thank you Josh,
I was suspecting either my zoom levels were off, or my coordinates were
wrong. I will convert them to spherical mercator and try again.
Thanks again for clarifying things.
P.S. - the bbox in lonlat coordinates inside my tilecache.conf works ok
with OpenLayers - Should I change that too to spherical mercator
coordinates? Or it doesn't matter?
Josh Livni wrote:
>> Hi Adrian,
>> Your layer setup has a confusing mix of geographic
>> (lat/lon)�coordinates and spherical mercator projection. �Your
>> projection is epsg:900913 which has units if meters, but your
>> bounding box is not projected. �You should probably fix this, but
>> definitely you'll need to pass tilecache_seed the bounding box in the
>> correct coordinate system.
>> If you don't know how to project/transform your coordinates, note you
>> �can do this in firebug or whatever using openlayers itself (for
>> example: [ new OpenLayers.LonLat(20.26,43.16).transform(new
>> OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:4326'), new
>> OpenLayers.Projection('EPSG:900913')) ]
>> Cheers,
>> �� -Josh
>> On Oct 22, 2009 10:36 PM, "Adrian Popa" <adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
>> <mailto:adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro>> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm new to tilecache and I've managed to get it running, but now, to
>> increase performance I would like to generate tiles between some zoom
>> levels so loading will be faster.
>> I've read the documentation and I'm trying to generate the tiles with
>> tilecache_seed.py. If I run it like this:
>> python tilecache_seed.py my_layer 1 6
>> ... it starts crunching and generates loads of images. However, I've
>> read it doesn't generate those images using the bbox parameter in
>> tilecache.conf (so it's basically plotting the whole world). Now, I'm
>> trying to cache layers 1 - 5 (as defined in my conf file) within my bbox
>> - but the script finishes too quickly...
>> [root at terra tilecache]# python tilecache_seed.py my_layer 1 5 --bbox
>> "20.26,43.16,29.70,48.46"
>> ###### (64, 64, 1), (64, 64, 1)
>> 01 (000064, 000064) = (-0.0008 -0.0008 313086.0670 313086.0670) [0.0002s
>> : 2007.391/s] 1/0
>> ###### (128, 128, 2), (128, 128, 2)
>> 02 (000128, 000128) = (-0.0008 -0.0008 156543.0331 156543.0331) [0.0002s
>> : 2262.037/s] 1/0
>> ###### (256, 256, 3), (256, 256, 3)
>> 03 (000256, 000256) = (-0.0008 -0.0008 78271.5162 78271.5162) [0.0002s :
>> 2436.929/s] 1/0
>> ###### (512, 512, 4), (512, 512, 4)
>> 04 (000512, 000512) = (-0.0008 -0.0008 39135.7577 39135.7577) [0.0002s :
>> 2463.097/s] 1/0
>> Here is my layer configuration:
>> [my_layer]
>> type=WMS
>> debug=no
>> url=http://terra/fcgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/map/my_base.map
>> layers=Judete,RuralSate,Rural,Urban,highway,sechighway,streets,buildings,GranitaJudete
>> <http://terra/fcgi-bin/mapserv?map=/var/www/html/map/my_base.maplayers=Judete,RuralSate,Rural,Urban,highway,sechighway,streets,buildings,GranitaJudete>
>> bbox=20.26,43.16,29.70,48.46
>> spherical_mercator=true
>> levels=13
>> srs=EPSG:900913
>> size=256,256
>> extension=png
>> mime_type=image/png2
>> maxResolution=2445.9849046875
>> map_imagetype=agg
>> resolutions=2445.9849046875,1222.99245234375,611.496226171875,305.7481130859375,152.87405654296876,76.43702827148438,38.21851413574219,19.109257067871095,9.554628533935547,4.777314
>> 266967774,2.388657133483887,1.1943285667419434,0.597164283
>> extent_type=loose
>> OpenLayers + WMS Layer pointing to tilecache.py works just fine, so I
>> must be missing some parameters...
>> Thanks,
>> Adrian
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