[Tilecache] WMS getMap interface

Soenke J. Peters peters+tilecache.openlayers.org at opcenter.de
Thu Sep 17 03:04:53 EDT 2009


(I accidentally replied directly to Simone, not to the list)

Simone Gadenz schrieb:
> Can you provide more info on how you calculated the calue of the sizex
> and sizey tag?

these values denote the image sizes at highest resolution.

SizeX = TileCountX * BlockSizeX * 2^TileLevel
(with 256px wide tiles and 11 as your highest zoom level: 1 * 256 * 2^11
= 524288).

It is documented in http://www.gdal.org/frmt_wms.html

  ____   Soenke Jan Peters
 |_  _|    22395 Hamburg, Germany
 ._||      E-Mail & Jabber/XMPP: peters at opcenter.de
           WWW: http://opcenter.de, GnuPG Key-ID: 0xF358FDCA

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