[Tilecache] TMS Server

Paul Spencer pagameba at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 07:53:26 EDT 2009


the caching part is generally perceived to be a good thing for  
performance and cost reasons.  If you generate tiles from source  
images on every request, your server is going to have to do a lot of  
redundant processing on every request.  A server may seem to handle  
things okay in a testing environment with minimal users, but once you  
get several real simultaneous users your server will slow to a crawl  
trying to build all the tiles.  Processing power is more expensive  
than storage (1TB disks run < $100 now and 1TB can hold a lot of tiles).

There are scripts included with TileCache that can (I believe) be set  
up to periodically trim the cache to a specific size on disk, removing  
tiles that are less frequently accessed.



On 2009-09-18, at 7:28 AM, Bruce Foster wrote:

> List
> I'm trying to find if there are any TMS server in the market now.
> I know TileCache can act as TMS but it uses WMS source and caches all
> the tiles and then serves them. What I need is a server that can serve
> TILES directly from images in real time.
> GeoWebCache is also similar to TileCache I believe.
> Only issue is, if we make Tile Cache and then serve, the overhead on
> the harddisk space is high. Just wonder if this is a good idea.
> Bruce
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