[Tilecache] Can Tilecache use the Disk cache directory structure to populate the S3 cache?

Olivier Kouame olivier.kouame at gmail.com
Fri Jun 18 11:26:33 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I'm using OpenLayers and Tilecache together on a project. I'm trying
to seed my Amazon S3 cache by letting Tilecache populate it as normal
when requests from OpenLayers come in, then switching OpenLayers to
accessing the Amazon S3 cache directly once it's been filled with the
most commonly requested tiles and then seeding the remaining tiles in
batches whenever I have spare CPU capacity. The only problem is that
OpenLayers is expecting the directory structure to be the one created
by using the Disk Cache and not the one that's generated by the S3
cache. Is there a way to force Tilecache to use the same directory
structure for the S3 Cache as for the Disk Cache?


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