[Tilecache] KML SuperOverlay serving EPSG:23031 layers

Fabrellas Bertran, Isabel isabel.fabrellas at icc.cat
Wed Mar 3 08:46:42 EST 2010


We have a large Tilecache structure of layers in EPSG:23031.

Is it possible to serve these layers as KML SuperOverlays  without recalculating the tilecahe layers in EPSG:4326?

Thanks in advance,


Isabel Fabrellas Bertran

Unitat SIG - Web
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya <http://mercuri.icc.cat/website/mob_nf/mob1/mob2/inici2.htm?CONSULTA=Institut%20Cartogr%25E0fic%20de%20Catalunya&XYADDRESS=429486:4580392> 
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