[Tilecache] tilecache to serve tiles without WMS

Soenke J. Peters peters+tilecache.openlayers.org at opcenter.de
Wed Mar 10 07:57:00 EST 2010


pj69100 schrieb:
> We are searching for a solution to serve tiles bought from a company without
> having the WMS server and the vectorial files. Will it be possible using
> TileCache?

with Openlayer as a client, tiles can be served directly from the file
system by your webserver. The tiles file names simply have to follow the
directory/file naming conventions (eg.

> We have an OpenLayer as client and will use a TMS layer.
> There's also a MapServer that we use for other layers generated from
> vectorial files we own, but i think it will be useless for this isn't it?

MapServer might be useless, if you have complete pre-generated tilesets
of your static, vectorial data. But this depends on the disk-space
needed for a complete tileset, the frequency of data changes, etc.

MapServer is also great when it comes to serving tiles via standard WMS
requests (with data region not bound to tile extension)...

  ____   Soenke Jan Peters
 |_  _|    22395 Hamburg, Germany
 ._||      E-Mail & Jabber/XMPP: peters at opcenter.de
           WWW: http://opcenter.de, GnuPG Key-ID: 0xF358FDCA

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