[Tilecache] ArcGIS 9.3.1 and TileCache

Frank Gasdorf fgdrf at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Mar 19 04:39:10 EDT 2010

Thanks a lot. It works quite well. Is it also possible to add a group layer
to the layers property?These kind of layers do not have a name attribute,
only a title. And yes, I consumed a AGS WMS with a geotools API before and
had seen, that the names are index numbers of the mxd element. But thanks
for this advise!

Could you pleas describe the extent_type property. I couldn't find any
description in the documentation. I was also confused a little bit about the
type property (WMS or WMSLayer or both are fine)?


2010/3/19 regioGIS <regio-gis at ec.europa.eu>

> Hello Frank,
> I have tilecache and AGS installed on the same machine, but it should not
> make any difference if installed on separate machines.
> This is an extract from my cfg file :
> srs=EPSG:3035
> bbox=2500000,1400000,6550000,5335000
> size=512,512
> extent_type=loose
> [boundaries]
> type=WMSLayer
> url=
> http://localhost:8399/arcgis/services/eu_boundaries_n2/mapserver/wmsserver?transparent=true
> extension=gif
> levels=7
> resolutions=5291.663809168211,1322.9159522920527,661.4579761460263,264.5831904584105,132.29159522920526,66.14579761460263,26.458319045841044
> layers=0,1,2<http://localhost:8399/arcgis/services/eu_boundaries_n2/mapserver/wmsserver?transparent=true%0Aextension=gif%0Alevels=7%0Aresolutions=5291.663809168211,1322.9159522920527,661.4579761460263,264.5831904584105,132.29159522920526,66.14579761460263,26.458319045841044%0Alayers=0,1,2>
> (You know you have to work with the 'real' arcgis layer names, being the
> numbers ? )
> Hope this helps.
> ________________________________
>        From: fgdrf [via OSGeo.org]
> [mailto:ml-node+4744398-1939756095-282517 at n2.nabble.com<ml-node%2B4744398-1939756095-282517 at n2.nabble.com>
> ]
>        Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 4:39 PM
>        To: REGIO GIS
>        Subject: Re: ArcGIS 9.3.1 and TileCache
>        Hello,
>        I'm still trying to get the tilecache run for a arcgis WMS 1.3.0
> service.
> Could you post an example configuration, how the layer(s) is/are defined.
>        Do you installed the tilecache on the same server the arcgis wms
> services
> is running or on a remote machine? I tried the last one but without any
> success. Do you have any suggestions?
>        Thanks a lot,
>        frank
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