[Tilecache] Configure (TMS) BoundingBox and Origin independently

Just van den Broecke just at justobjects.nl
Mon May 17 08:34:22 EDT 2010


And another try...IMHO the fix is really minor and makes TMS 
GetCapabilities in line with the OSGEO standard:

thanks and best regards,

Just van den Broecke
The Netherlands

Just van den Broecke wrote:
> Hi,
> See my earlier posts below. Here is another try. Hopefully that any of 
> the TileCache experts can have a look. The issue and my suggested fix in 
> TMS.py are below. thanks and best regards,
> Just van den Broecke
> The Netherlands
> www.justobjects.nl
> Just van den Broecke wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried (with success) a possible fix for this issue: in 
>> Services/TMS.py function layerCapabilities() line 77/78 the 
>> <BoundingBox> data can be populated with the layer.data_extent array 
>> i.s.o. the layer.bbox array. IMO layer.data_extent will always be 
>> valid since in Layer.py (line 153) layer.data_extent is set to either 
>> the config value data_extent or if not present the layer's bbox. This 
>> fix doesn't touch any of TC's inner workings, just reporting of 
>> Capabilities (Though this may impact some smart clients that take the 
>> <BoundingBox> lowerleft as origin)
>> Any views (Christopher?) ? thanks and best regards,
>> Just van den Broecke
>> The Netherlands
>> www.justobjects.nl
>> Just van den Broecke wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using TileCache 2.10 TMS with ImageLayer layers. I would like to 
>>> configure the actual data extent different from the tile grid origin, 
>>> like described in the TMS standard:
>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Tile_Map_Service_Specification#TileMap_Resource 
>>> (<Origin> and <BoundingBox>
>>> I may overlook options but I see no way in doing this. For example, 
>>> this tilecache.cfg:
>>> [GBKN]
>>> type=Image
>>> transparent=true
>>> spherical_mercator=false
>>> resolutions=860.160,430.080,215.040,107.520,53.760,26.880,13.440,6.720,3.360,1.680,0.840,0.420,0.210,0.105,0.0525 
>>> metatile=yes
>>> bbox=-65200.96,242799.04,375200.96,683200.96
>>> srs=EPSG:28992
>>> file=/var/kademo/data/klic/10G058471_1/GB_all.png
>>> filebounds=139679,449517,139802,449595
>>> data_extent=139679,449517,139802,449595
>>> I get from TileMap info:
>>> <BoundingBox minx="-65200.960000" miny="242799.040000" 
>>> maxx="375200.960000" maxy="683200.960000"/>
>>> <Origin x="-65200.960000" y="242799.040000"/>
>>> i.s.o BoundingBox set to filebounds/data_extent (yes these are very 
>>> small areas). Also I see in TMS.py line 77: that Origin is set to 
>>> "layer.bbox[0], layer.bbox[1]". Or are there other ways ? thanks and 
>>> best regards,
>>> --Just
>>> Just van den Broecke
>>> The Netherlands
>>> www.justobjects.nl
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