[Tilecache] Can't directly access the cache from Potlatch

Eric Wolf ebwolf at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 13:16:21 EDT 2010

Yep. It's GoogleDisk, so the directory structure follows /layer/z/x/y.png.

The goal is to get a cache working that doesn't require tilecache.cgi in the


Eric B. Wolf                           720-334-7734

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Ian Dees <ian.dees at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Eric Wolf <ebwolf at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think I'm missing something obvious:
>> I've setup tilecache.cgi to construct a cache of the NAIP imagery on my
>> local server. So far, this works great as an "Custom" imagery source in
>> Potlatch:
>> http://navigator.er.usgs.gov/naip/tilecache.cgi/1.0.0/0/!/!/!
>> But I would also like to be able to hit the disk cache directly, ala:
>> http://navigator.er.usgs.gov/naip/0/!/!/!
>> I can successfully load individual images from the cache like this:
>> http://navigator.er.usgs.gov/naip/0/16/15060/25346.png
>> When I look at the Apache error log, I see "Cache hit:... Tile: x: 15060,
>> y: 40188, z: 16
>> But in the naip/0/16/15060 directory, there are only four PNGs with
>> filenames nothing like "40188.png":
>> 25345.png, 25346.png, 25347.png, 25348.png,
>> My tilecache.cfg looks like this:
>> [cache]
>> type=GoogleDisk
>> base=/osmcp/rails/public/naip
>> [0]
>> type=WMS
>> url=http://isse.cr.usgs.gov/ArcGIS/services/Combined/SDDS_Imagery/MapServer/WMSServer
>> #layers=0
>> levels=19
>> bbox=-180,90,180,-90
>> srs=EPSG:102113
>> spherical_mercator=true
>> tms_type=google
>> I guess this could be a moot point if there isn't a significant speed improvement hitting the cache directory directly vs. using tilecache.cgi as a proxy.
> Two things:
> 1. Tilecache does directory munging to guarantee that any one directory has
> a limited number of files in it. You probably actually want to look in the
> /osmcp/rails/public/naip/16/000/015/060/000/040/ directory for 188.png.
> 2. tms_type=google flips one of the axes on its head so the tiles that get
> saved in cache will have a different number than the ones on the disk.
> After typing all this I noticed you used the GoogleDesk cache type, so I
> might be completely wrong.
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