[Tilecache] Compatibility Question

David Alda Fernandez de Lezea dalda at hazi.es
Wed Nov 7 04:40:06 PST 2012

Hi list,
I've been given some tiles created in ArcGIS Server (I think so) and I want to know if I can use this tiles on my own tilecache installation so as to avoid double work while seeind the information. It's just to share that same information from two differente companies and avoid double-working.
The tile dataset I've been given is used in a GIS viewer using OpenLayers and they use the type of layer OpenLayers.Layer.ArcGISCache.
Is there any way in which I can take advantage of this?


David Alda Fernández de Lezea




Granja Modelo s/n

01192 Arkaute Araba
T 945 003 295 F 945 003 290

dalda at hazi.es <blocked::mailto:correo_electronico at hazi.es>  | www.hazi.es <blocked::http://www.hazi.es/> 


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