[Tilecache] Clue Please - TileCache won't make Polar Tiles for OpenLayers

Basil Veerman bveerman at uvic.ca
Tue Nov 12 12:41:56 PST 2013

Hi Scott,
> The problem is not completely solved yet, because we need to specify 
> the resolution values for the map layers in OpenLayers.  I have no 
> idea what the default resolutions used by TileCache are, although the 
> documentation has some hints.  "The resolutions array defaults to 
> having resolutions which are equal to the bbox divided by 512" 
> whatever that means  :-P

When resolutions are set automatically, I've always just requested them 
by going to:


<!-- Additional data: tms_type is google -->

Then for production restricting this by setting maxResoultion and levels 
(openlayers numZoomLevels).  Seems much more sane than using an array of 

Hope that helps,

Basil Veerman
Geospatial Programmer/Analyst
Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium

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