[Tilecache] Problem moving tilecache from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Jul 9 13:25:31 PDT 2015



Seems like someone should create an 2.12 release with that patch so 
upstream packagers are releasing a working package.

Oh FYI, the link below to the patch is 404. I don't need it anymore 
because I'm running mapcache instead now, but it might help save a lot 
of time for someone else in the future if this was fixed and released.

And you will note that I did copy the source tree from the old server to 
the new server and diff'd them and they were the same.

I did not compare these to github.

Regardless, my point is the the package is broken and someone should 
step up and fix that issue. Also someone might want to investigate why 
the package works on 12.04 and not on 14.04 since the package source is 
the same that I diff'd. Or at least update the install instructions or 
add a README.md to github explaining the problem and the fix.

Thanks again,

On 7/9/2015 2:50 PM, Brian Case wrote:
> stephen
> same as last time
> http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/random-errors-in-tilecache-2-11-td3965019.html
> this is all to do with a change someone made in rounding in 2010
> ps tilecache is on github
> https://github.com/OSGeo/tilecache/
> brian
> On Tue, 2015-07-07 at 15:21 -0400, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm having a problem upgrading a system with tilecache installed on it.
>> After two days and no headway, I probably am missing some basic or I've
>> hit a real problem.
>> The Problem:
>> On the 14.04 server:
>> Errors out with:
>> An error occurred: Current x value -73.400000 is too far from tile
>> corner x -75.000000
>> but with the same url on the 12.04 server I get an image:
>> some tiles are returned correctly and some are not. Here is one that works:
>> Situation:
>> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server running:
>> tilecache/precise uptodate 2.11-2
>> apache2/precise-security 2.2.22-1ubuntu1.8
>> python/precise-updates uptodate 2.7.3-0ubuntu2.2
>> and in the apache sites-enabled:
>>           Alias /tilecache-2.01 /var/lib/python-support/python2.7/
>>           <Directory /var/lib/python-support/python2.7/>
>>                   SetHandler python-program
>>                   PythonHandler TileCache.Service
>>                   PythonOption TileCacheConfig /etc/tilecache.cfg
>>           </Directory>
>> I setup a new server and rsync the tilecache, the /etc/tilecache.cfg and
>> set it up using:
>> tilecache:all/trusty 2.11-2 uptodate
>> apache2:amd64/trusty-security 2.4.7-1ubuntu4.4 uptodate
>> python:amd64/trusty 2.7.5-5ubuntu3 uptodate
>> python2.7:amd64/trusty-security 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2 uptodate
>> python3:amd64/trusty 3.4.0-0ubuntu2 uptodate
>> python3.4:amd64/trusty-security 3.4.0-2ubuntu1.1 uptodate
>> # python --version
>> Python 2.7.6
>> and in the apache sites-enabled:
>>           Alias /tilecache-2.01 /var/lib/python-support/python2.7/
>>           <Directory /var/lib/python-support/python2.7/>
>>                   #SetHandler python-program
>>                   AddHandler python-program .py
>>                   PythonHandler TileCache.Service
>>                   PythonOption TileCacheConfig /etc/tilecache.cfg
>>                   Require all granted
>>           </Directory>
>> The cache should be fully populated so there should be not need to hit
>> mapserver but I occasionally get mapserver processes running at 100% for
>> long periods of time, probably because the cache thinks it needs to
>> generate a metatile. I probably will need to check mapfiles because the
>> old server is running MapServer version 6.2.1 and the new server is on
>> MapServer version 6.4.1
>> Problem Analysis:
>> This is probably faulty or incomplete as it has not lead me to a solution.
>> 1. tilecache is configured and running
>> 2. different versions of apache 2.2 vs 2.4
>>      - had to make changes in handler above
>>      - are there other changes like environment variables or initialization
>> 3. system has both python 2.7 and 3.0 installed is something strange
>> happening because of this?
>> 4. are the differences in mod_python between the two systems that might
>> cause this?
>> 5. there appears to be a pattern to what tiles are ok or broken but its
>> not clear what it means. Maybe some kind of rounding issue?
>> 6. I diff'd the files in /var/lib/python-support/python2.7/ tree and
>> they are all the same except a few of the pyc files. I recompiled them
>> on the new system just be be sure with python -m py_compile
>> /path/to/file.py but that did not change anything.
>> I looked at the Layer.py code and it is failing in getCell() at:
>>           if exact:
>>               if (abs(minx - tilex)  / res > 1):
>>                   raise TileCacheException("Current x value %f is too far
>> from tile corner x %f" % (minx, tilex))
>> because abs(minx - tilex) / res = 256 which seems curious as this is the
>> size of a tile. So I'm thinking that this code might be behaving badly:
>>       def getResolution (self, (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)):
>>           """
>>           >>> l = Layer("name")
>>           >>> l.getResolution((-180,-90,0,90))
>>           0.703125
>>           """
>>           return max( float(maxx - minx) / self.size[0],
>>                       float(maxy - miny) / self.size[1] )
>> I'm getting res=0.00625 for the broken request.
>> So the bottom line, I'm totally lost in this issue and probably looking
>> in all the wrong places.
>> -Steve
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