[TOSprint] Financial update

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at flaxen.com
Fri Jan 6 14:55:52 EST 2012

We are in the very much black for the event.  Here is the (unaudited!) breakdown as of today.

meeting room	1580
lodging for 21	10080
food for 21	5925
cash bar	165
drink tickets	567
two events	1260
TOTAL		19577

14 sponsors	11706
18 registrations	9516
2010 surplus	2000 
TOTAL		23222

This gives us a surplus of $3645 at the moment.  My tentative plan to is hold $2000 in reserve for next year and use the rest for refunds to each of the registered attendees.

If we get registrations for the remaining three spots, the surplus will correspondingly increase by $1575.

The above numbers do not include the $500 pledged for a student scholarship, since that has not yet been awarded.


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