[TOSprint] Attendance

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Mar 13 06:28:09 PDT 2013

Jonas, can you add yourself to the 'Participation' section of the wiki?
http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Boston_Code_Sprint_2013#Participation  This
is our kind of registration/how the organizers track how many are coming.



On 2013-03-13 9:54 AM, Nielsen, Jonas Lund wrote:
> Hello Sprinters,
> Just a quick introduction.
> I work at the Danish Geodata Agency, and we had Jeff McKenna over in
> february to do some MapServer training for us.
> As we are strong users of MapServer, he suggested that it might be an
> idea for us to send somebody to the OSGeo Code Sprint sometime.
> So, keeping the momentum and inspiration from his visit, I expect to be
> joining the Code Sprint in Boston.
> My angle will be as a strong user of MapServer, and I hope to get to
> know the community and find ways to contribute.
> Best regards
> *Jonas Lund Nielsen*

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