[TOSprint] Fwd: Skiing after the code sprint

Stephan Meißl stephan at meissl.name
Thu Feb 20 05:07:25 PST 2014

Hi Andreas,

you're absolutely right, just also keep in mind that you need to change
at least twice if I'm not mistaken. And I don't know about the distance
from the train station. Maybe having one car there and everybody else
takes the train would be an option.


On 02/20/2014 01:32 PM, Andreas Hocevar wrote:
> For those who want to see a bit more of Austria, I would highly
> recommend to take the train to the ski area (to 'Schladming' or 'Haus
> im Ennstal'). The trip includes one of the most scenic train routes in
> Austria, the Semmering railway [1]. It takes about 4 hours, and
> one-way tickets start at 24 EURO if booked in advance [2]. My seating
> recommendation is the restaurant car, where beer supply is guaranteed
> :-).
> [1] http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/785
> [2] https://ticketing.oebb.at/
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Stephan Meißl <stephan at meissl.name> wrote:
>> Hi Daniel,
>> great, and we can definitely rent skis there (I need some as well).
>> Now you scare me ... but the more we are the more fun it will be ;)
>> Anyway, I really think we need to get tickets soon. I'm going to book
>> let's say on Monday for everybody confirming to join and giving an upper
>> limit willing to pay for the package (starting from EURO 106,-).
>> I think we can sort out how to come there later depending on the actual
>> number. One option would be to rent a VW bus for about 200 EURO the weekend
>> or I can take a small group with our rather small, particularly for
>> north Americans ;), car. Anyway, I think this can wait a bit unlike the
>> package.
>> cu
>> Stephan
>> On 02/19/2014 07:47 PM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
>>> Hi Stephan,
>>> I'd be in as well, for this or anything else that gives me a chance to
>>> see more of Austria than just the sprint venue. (Hopefully we can rent
>>> skis, etc on site?)
>>> BTW, Don't take the silence about the possibility of a skiing activity
>>> the weekend after the sprint as lack of interest. I think it was just
>>> too early to plan this several months ago and that explains the silence.
>>> Now is a better time to plan this and I suspect there will be more
>>> people interested than you thought.
>>> Daniel
>>> On 14-02-19 8:43 AM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>>>> Stephan I hope you don't mind me forwarding this to the list.
>>>> Count me IN!
>>>> -jeff
>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>> I was thinking about the weekend after the code sprint. Would you be
>>>> interested in an event like this [1] or rather prefer a more quiet area?
>>>> The concert takes place in a famous skiing area and the travel by car
>>>> would be around 3 hours. They offer packages including the ticket, hotel
>>>> for the night, and one day ski pass starting from EURO 106,- If we want to
>>>> go for this I think we should try to get tickets soon.
>>>> BTW any ideas whom to contact to join us?
>>>> cu
>>>> Stephan
>>>> [1] http://www.hauser-kaibling.at/de/events/events2014/open_air_2014.htm
>>>> [2]
>>>> http://openrouteservice.org/index.php?start=16.4564156,48.2295225&end=13.7795834,47.4114987&pref=Fastest&lang=de&noMotorways=false&noTollways=false

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