[TOSprint] Feedback from OSGeo Code Sprint Bonn - call out for next OSGeo Code Sprint

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Fri Jun 1 01:42:32 PDT 2018


here is some feedback from OSGeo Code Sprint.

We had a great event with about 100 participants from many projects and 
from all over the world. Looks like projects worked very successfull 
during the week.

* OSGeo Foundation News: 
* https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Code_Sprint_2018

* we had 8 sponsors + OSGeo and FOSSGIS e.V.
* we did not spend all the money that we received from sponsoring 
(detailed list will follow)

What we have
* new mail address communitysprint at osgeo.org -> to use to promote the 
event (please contact me if you want to use it for the next code sprint)
* contacts to sponors (private document)
* text templates: textes to send to sponsors / template for invoices, 
* script to generate nameplate for lanyards easily

Now the question is were the next OSGeo code sprint will take place and 
when? We have many small code sprints connected to FOSS4G events 

Some people gave feedback, that it would be nice to have an OSGeo Code 
Sprint in Bonn at BaseCamp again. The Bonn team is open to organize such 
a sprint again.

Greetings from Germany Astrid

Astrid Emde

Astrid Emde
OSGeo Board Member and OSGeo Secretary
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
astrid_emde at osgeo.org

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