[Ubuntu] Hello (plus kubuntu Jaunty issues with Qgis)

Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 09:49:29 EDT 2009

Hi Alan thanks for replying

> I've just tried to install and run QGis 1.2.0  from ubuntugis-unstable
> repository, and it seems to run well.

You can run it just fine? that's odd, I only get "segmentation fault"
at the konsole. I think it is python related because (forgot to
mention that in the previous e-mail) I can see the splash screen
loading Qgis and it segfaults during the "starting python message".
Anyway I haven't done any funky stuff with my python settings, have
you? Why is Qgis functional on your system and not on mine? :(

> I'm also using KDE 4.3.  By the way,
> I installed KDE 4.3 from this repository: deb
> http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu

Yeah that's the same repository I am using for kde 4.3

> QGis
> 1.2.0 has recently been uploaded in ubuntugis-unstable reposository. Is it the
> version you are using?

yep, I just did an apt-get update to be sure and I also checked my
software sources.
Any pointers?

___________________________ ___ __
Ricardo Garcia Silva

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