[Ubuntu] Hello (plus kubuntu Jaunty issues with Qgis)

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Wed Aug 26 19:53:15 EDT 2009

Just to clarify a last thing. The problem is not related to KDE 4.3. The 
problem is related to the version of the python-qt4 package. Karmic has 
the same version than the kubuntu PPA, so everything should be ok.



Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da wrote:
> Hi Alan
> Thanks for the in depth explanation.
> Since I already have Qgis working again, I'll wait for (k)ubuntu 9.10
> (which should be coming with kde4.3 I presume) to get things back to
> normal with regard to using the ubuntugis ppa for Qgis.
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 8:17 PM, Alan
> Boudreault<aboudreault at mapgears.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ricardo,
>> Effectively, the QGis doesn't work (since the package python-qgis is
>> installed) if the user use the kubuntu PPA. The reason is simple, the PPA of
>> kubuntu provides a new python-qt4 package and qgis isn't built with that
>> version. Unfortunately, I can do nothing for that... you imagine if I would
>> have to take care of all PPAs. Anyone can create a new PPA on launchpad and
>> put a new version of a basic package in it.
>> I don't know how exactly you solved your problem, but here's what could be
>> done to get QGis working under kde 4.3:
>> 1- apt-get install devscripts build-essential
>> 2- apt-get source qgis
>> 3- apt-get build-dep qgis (this will install all build dependencies needed)
>> 4- cd qgis-1.2.0
>> 5- debuild -us -uc
>> 6- cd ..
>> 7- dpkg -i python-qgis_1.2.0-1~jaunty1_i386.deb
>> And your qgis will work. Note that this procedure needs to install all build
>> dependencies *-dev packages needed. Normally, it's better to rebuild a package
>> on a developement machine and not on a production server.
>> Hope this helps.
>> Alan
>> On August 24, 2009 10:16:08 am Alan Boudreault wrote:
>>> Ricardo,
>>> Could you provide me the list of your python, kde and qt package list. Just
>>> do a `dpkg -l | egrep -e '(python|kde|qt)'`. I'll  try to take a look as
>>> soon as I can.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alan
>>> On August 24, 2009 10:03:47 am Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da wrote:
>>>> Hi Albin, thanks for your assistance
>>>> I am the person who started that thread that you speak about, on the
>>>> qgis-user list ;)
>>>> I decided to bring it here as it seemed appropriate, since I am using
>>>> the ubuntugis repository.
>>>> I have fixed this issue on my end by recompiling Qgis, but still it
>>>> would be nice to have it properly fixed. It's weird that Alan can run
>>>> Qgis fine while we struggle with this problem.
>>>> I am not suficiently skilled to root out the problem, but if someone
>>>> wants to look into it I can provide all the info necessary.
>> --
>> Alan Boudreault
>> Mapgears
>> http://www.mapgears.com

Alan Boudreault

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