[Ubuntu] OSSIM in Ubuntu-GIS

Gedas Vaitkus gedas.vaitkus at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 09:04:39 EDT 2009

Hi Alex,

Thanks for a clue. It looks a little different from what I've been
trying earlier, and I can see a couple of clues on how he did it. I'll
try building OSSIM again as soon as time allows and report on the

Let's keep in touch

Gedas Vaitkus
Institute of Aerial Geodesy,
Applied Research Center
Pramones 13, 51327 Kaunas, Lithuania
TEL: +370 37 755226; FAX: +370 37 451497
GSM: +370 620 72870

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>
Reply-to: tech at wildintellect.com
To: ubuntu at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu] OSSIM in Ubuntu-GIS
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 14:26:45 -0700

Massimo apparently switched away to a debian sid compatible distro, but
some of the instructions may still be relevant.


Last time I tried I seem to recall having issues with ffmpeg, but that
was a while ago on 8.04


Gedas Vaitkus wrote:
> OSSIM binaries build flawlessly on Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit. The problems
> actually start at the second stage - OSSIM_QT and further with
> OssimPlanet.
> Gedas Vaitkus
> -  
> Institute of Aerial Geodesy,
> Applied Research Center
> Pramones 13, 51327 Kaunas, Lithuania
> TEL: +370 37 755226; FAX: +370 37 451497
> GSM: +370 620 72870
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>
> Reply-to: tech at wildintellect.com
> To: ubuntu at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Ubuntu] OSSIM in Ubuntu-GIS
> Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 10:12:00 -0700
> I believe the OSSIM-GRASS-QGIS summer of code student Massimo is
> attempting to build a deb. He's somewhat successfully has built OSSIM
> for his live disc. I check with him and see if he has updated instructions.
> Alex
> Gedas Vaitkus wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I am sure most of you have heard of an excellent piece of remote sensing
>> software called OSSIM (http://www.ossim.org). I compiled it and used
>> some time ago on Ubuntu 8.10, but now can't recollect the procedure
>> completely and OSSIM_QT it's not building for me on Ubuntu 9.04 64-bit.
>> I wonder if someone have done it successfully, and if so, could you
>> please upload OSSIM and OSSIM_QT (preferably built on QT4) to
>> Ubuntu-GIS. Having OSSIM on Ubuntu-GIS would add a sufficient value to
>> the Ubuntu-GIS project, as this well-established open source software is
>> successfully used in many production environments. There is also
>> OssimPlanet, but this is not essential for remote sensing data
>> processing purposes, as it does mostly 3D visualization, simulation,
>> etc.
>> A few resources:
>> OSSIM source code: http://www.ossim.org/OSSIM/Developers.html
>> OSSIM documentation: http://www.ossim.org/OSSIM/Documentation.html
>> OSSIM build instruction for Ubuntu 8.10:
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/ossim/wiki/Ubuntu-8.10Build
>> Thanks in advance :)
>> Gedas Vaitkus

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