[Ubuntu] Re: GMT on Ubuntu GIS

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 13 17:10:51 EST 2010

Hi all, greetings from the road ..

Brent wrote:
> but I've left a comment on Launchpad
> recently regarding GMT as suggested&  got no
> response,&  to ask on the ubuntu gis list I need
> to be a team member, which obviously I'm not.

as far as I know, UbuntuGIS just inherits Debian's
gmt package, and fwiw unless bugs/wishes get
pushed upstream to DebianGIS, we don't know about
them and they don't get actioned.
(for all I know they have been, just sayin'..)

what's the URL to your comment?

> My problem is with GMT. Ubuntu GIS only has
> v4.5.2,

.. as does debian
which is frozen at that version until the upcoming
Debian/Squeeze release.

> and only packages the 3 lower resolution GSHHS
> datasets.

that was historical to save space on the Debian
servers. these days I don't think anyone would mind
as the disks have gotten bigger but the dataset
hasn't. as you'll recall we had a little discussion
recently about trying to get GMT, Xtide, OpenCPN,
etc. to all depend on the same GSHHS packages,

and hopefully ship the public-domainish Natural
Earth as an official debian/ubuntu data package too.

I think OpenCPN is the place to push that next.

> V4.5.2 only supports GSHHS v2.0.2. GSHHS is now
> at 2.1.0, and I can't find a copy of 2.0.2
> anywhere to get the high&  full resolutions.

If it helps, GRASS's v.in.gshhs addon module
supports 2.1.0, and you can extract/export to
shapefile or whatever GMT-supported format. I've
got version 1.10 kicking around if you want it.
Markus Neteler or Markus Metz might still have a
copy of 2.0.x somewhere as they were the ones
working on that. or just email hawaii?


hmmm, shapefiles of 2.1.0 are already at

> GMT v4.5.3 supports the current GSHHS, but does
> not compile into any structures compatable with
> dependencies as built by Ubuntu packages.

is that compiled within the debian package building
framework (with debian patches applied), or straight
from tarball in /usr/local/ ? what's the error?

don't expect any action from debian on packaging
the new GMT version until squeeze is out. (that's
not to say that it won't/can't make it into
experimental or ubuntugis's repo, but..)



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