[Ubuntu] GDAL MrSID support

Dylan Rawlins dylan at mapserver.co.za
Tue Sep 28 06:55:03 EDT 2010

I am trying to get MrSID working in GDAL in Lucid. I followed the
instructions in http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki/TutorialMrSid and
got the following error when running gdalinfo --formats | grep -i mrsid

ERROR 1: /usr/lib/gdal17plugins/gdal_MrSID.so: undefined symbol:
ERROR 1: /usr/lib/gdal17plugins/gdal_MrSID.so: undefined symbol:

I found a post at
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2009-June/005983.html that
suggested removing the /usr/lib/gdal16plugins/gdal_MrSID.so file.

I did that and now I don't have the error, but neither do I have MrSID
listed in my gdalinfo --formats listing and I can't load a MrSID file in
mapserver or QGIS.

Any ideas???

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