[Ubuntu] Python mapscript Segmentation fault
Frank Broniewski
brfr at metrico.lu
Wed Feb 16 05:50:44 EST 2011
Hi Alan,
I did a
apt-get build-dep python-mapscript
and downloaded the latest mapserver source from mapserver.org (5.6.6).
In the mapserver source directory:
./configure --enable-debug --with-ogr --with-gdal with-wfs
then I went into the mapscript/python directory and did a
python setup.py build
I copied my test script into the mapscript directory, renamed
mapscript.py (the module) to mapscript2.py just to avoid importing the
wrong module and did my test again (with import mapscript2 as mapscript)
- and I get some binaryish characters back on the console, so I can
report that it works with a self compiled version. I didn't enable all
the modules (--with-xyz) as in the packaged mapserver, I hope that isn't
a problem.
Over on the mapserver list, someone wrote me:
> Am 14.02.2011 11:58, schrieb Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM:
> Hi,
> it looks like the Python MapScript module is compiled against a different regex libary than the Python interpreter uses. The "premature end of script headers" is usually caused by a SIGSEGV where the script gets killed before being able to send any headers. I would suggest to build python-mapscript on your own.
Am 15.02.2011 17:11, schrieb Alan Boudreault:
> hi Frank,
> Would you be able to try to reproduce that bug using a manual installation of
> mapserver/python binding. I would be interrested to know if it's a packaging
> bug or not. It might be a swig binding bug.
> Thanks,
> Alan
> On February 15, 2011 10:05:02 am Frank Broniewski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a problem with python mapscript concerning the OWSRequest.
>> Whenever I pass an URL to setParameter and call OWSDispatch(request)
>> mapscript crashes with a segfault. A small snippet for testing:
>> request = mapscript.OWSRequest()
>> request.setParameter('LAYERS','post')
>> request.setParameter('SLD', '')
>> request.setParameter('FORMAT','image/png')
>> request.setParameter('SERVICE','WMS')
>> request.setParameter('VERSION','1.1.1')
>> request.setParameter('REQUEST','GetMap')
>> request.setParameter('STYLES','')
>> request.setParameter('EXCEPTIONS','application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage')
>> request.setParameter('SRS','EPSG:2169')
>> request.setParameter('BBOX','64757.194165115,66551.046310101,89442.80583488
>> 5,83748.953689899') request.setParameter('WIDTH','1399')
>> request.setParameter('HEIGHT','975')
>> map = mapscript.mapObj('/usr/local/mapconf/share/osm.map')
>> map.OWSDispatch(request)
>> Map debug level is 5, console output is:
>> brfr at E033:/usr/local/www$ python ows_test.py
>> Content-type: image/png
>> Segmentation fault
>> I am using the following sources:
>> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu hardy main
>> deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu
>> hardy main
>> Whenever I pass the request to the mapserver cgi all works as expected.
>> It seems the parameter parser for python mapscript uses another parser
>> than cgi-mapserver. Using urllib.quote, urllib.quote_plus doesn't help
>> any further.
>> Many thanks for help and tipps
>> Frank
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